Judge Rules Florist Broke Law Denying Service For Gay Wedding

It’s about time these discriminators were on the receiving end. Clearly the woman’s faith and her stance against same-sex marriage is more important to HER than her home, savings and retirement. No one is asking her to celebrate anything. No one invited her to the bloody wedding!! They are simply asking that she conduct business with them in the same manner that she would anyone else.

A Christian florist violated anti-discrimination laws when she refused to sell flowers to a gay couple for their wedding, despite her defense that she was exempted by her religious beliefs, a judge in Washington state ruled Wednesday.

“In trade and commerce, and more particularly when seeking to prevent discrimination in public accommodations, the courts have confirmed the power of the legislative branch to prohibit conduct it deems discriminatory, even where the motivation for that conduct is grounded in religious belief,” said Benton County Superior Court Judge Alexander C. Ekstrom in a 60-page order.

Full story


DirecTV’s NFL Ad Stars A Gay Couple “Just Like Any Other”

This is way awesome! Lol I have a straight female friend who loves football a thousand times more than her husband. I mean he likes his team, but she will watch all NFL. When he’s out on duty (he’s in the Coast Guard), every television in their house stays tuned into ESPN. So it’s perfectly acceptable for two gay guys to love the NFL too. Bravo DirecTV, bravo.

Think about the stereotypical American football fan. What comes to mind? If you’ve been taking cues from what advertisers have been pushing on you for years, you’d probably think of, surprise surprise, straight, beer-swilling men. Well, one satellite provider sent a different message with their latest ad, marking the start of the NFL’s 2015 season: DirecTV’s NFL ad featured a gay couple, cutting against established tropes and norms in a pretty awesome way, while affirming at the same time that it’s not strange at all. As one of the two football fans says at the commercial’s conclusion, “we’re just like any couple, really.”

Full story (with commercial)


LGBT Humour from Not Always Right

Good morning Lovelies!!

If you are unfamiliar with Not Always Right and you’ve worked in the service industry, I encourage you to visit the site daily and enjoy the fact that you are not alone if you have a frustrating customer. 😉

And if you’re LGBT you can appreciate this little gem:

Casting The First Stone Cold Glare

Coffee Shop | Anaheim, CA, USA | At The Checkout, Bad Behavior, Bigotry, Religion

(I am visiting two good Jewish friends. They are gay men and engaged. We’re at a coffee shop for breakfast.)

Friend #1: *holding Friend #2′s hand* “Hey [Friend #2], what do you want?”

Friend #2: “[Store Brand Drink], babe.”

Customer #1: *spies them holding hands* “You should be ashamed of acting like that in public! There are children and God-fearing people in here! Couple of sick f**s…”

Friend #1: “We’re not f**s. We’re gay. Last time I checked, we’re not cigarettes or bundles of twigs.”

Customer #1: “You’re going to Hell for being a couple of sinners! You’re going to burn!”

Friend #2: “So what are you drinking, [My Name]?”

Me: “[Store Brand Drink], please!”

Friend #2: *to Customer #1* “What about you, mister? What are you drinking?”

Customer #1: *splutters* “I am not accepting charity from some dirty, sick homosexual!”

Friend #1: “If your Jesus was brave enough to dine with prostitutes, the least you could do is accept our ‘charity.’”

Customer #1: “F*** you!”

Friend #1 & #2: *deadpan* “No, thanks. You’re not my type.”

Customer #1: *screams* “This whole place is going to Hell!” *storms out*

Customer #2: *starts clapping* “That… was… AWESOME! Please, let me pay for your order!”

Me: “Nah, thanks. I’ll get it for them.”

Manager: “No, you won’t. This order is on the house!”